Title: Manuhe Manuhor Babe
Lyrics: Dr. Bhupen Hazarika
Singer: Dr. Bhupen Hazarika
The Lyrics:
Manuhe manuhor babe
jodihe okonu nabhabe
okoni xohanubhutire
bhabibo kunenu kuwa? xomoniya?
manuhe manuhok besibo khuji
manuhe manuhok kinibo khuji
puroni eetihakh duharile
bhul janu nohobo kuwa,homoniya?
durbol manuhe jodi
jibanor kubal nodi
par hoi tumare xahot
tumi heruwabanu ki?
manuh jodihe nohoi manuh
danav kahanio nohoi manuh
jodi danav kahaniba hoiyei manuh
laj pabo kunenu kuwa?
Manuhe Manuhor Babe……… Bhupen Hazarika's best creative song about Assamese people. Another link:
Assamese Version is here,
How I can download the karoke song?